Who's Reading What

Vitamin D and Athletes


Vitamin D has many known functions within the body and it is recognized that a high percentage of the population is deficient or maintains suboptimal levels of vitamin D. Research with an athletic population is limited but this review article highlights the importance of vitamin D screening and discusses the impact that suboptimal vitamin D status may have on bone health and sports performance.Lire la suite

Sports Psychologists’ Experiences of Organizational Stressors


I chose to highlight this article because all Integrated Support Team (IST) members more than likely have experienced some type of job related stress. Being conscious/ aware/proactive about stress is key to sustaining your professional career and flourishing instead of floundering.Lire la suite

Why Johnny Hates Sports: Why Organized Youth Sports Are Failing Our Children and What We Can Do About It


Author: Fred Engh
Publisher: SquareOne Publishers

"Mom! Do I really have to go to the game? Can’t I just stay home?" All across this country, an ever-increasing number of children are dropping out of organized sports--soccer,...Lire la suite
