Sports Psychologists’ Experiences of Organizational Stressors

Authors: David Fletcher, James Rumbold, Robert Tester & Matthew Coombes.
The Sport Psychologist, 2011, 25, 363-381

Commentary by Dr. Judy Goss

Having just returned from the Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico, I am recovering from some type of illness most likely acquired in the athlete’s village or on our 18 hour trip home. I write this as I prepare to attend a competition in Toronto (my hometown) before the SPIN Summit and then return to Guadalajara for Para Pan American Games. I chose to highlight this article because all Integrated Support Team (IST) members more than likely have experienced some type of job related stress. Being conscious/ aware/proactive about stress is key to sustaining your professional career and flourishing instead of floundering. This article elaborates on the factors specific to those individuals in academics and consulting which is applicable to most IST members.

Issues such as presentation skills, evaluation in the workplace and ethical obligations are also identified. Some of the challenges outlined included a balanced provision of services to multiple clients such as athletes, coaches and organizational personnel. This article also elaborated on stress created by the ethical code of conduct when conflicts occur between the client’s wishes and the organizational requirements. This is more than likely difficult as most sport psychologists have little training in these types of ethical dilemmas. Suggestions or methods of how to reduce stress from a behavioural change perspective are not mentioned, however, bringing awareness to this issue is the first step.

Sport psychologists are able to provide stress management techniques to others but sometimes they must practice what is preached. As an IST member, one must be aware of the stress that you may bring to a group along with the stress other members may bring. Be aware of your stress response and how it affects your behaviour, thoughts and emotions. This goes down the line of emotional intelligence which will be the topic next time.


sport science
High Performance