ACSM's Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition

Type de l’événement: 

Event Date: mar. 31, 2015 - avr. 3, 2015

Hyatt Regency, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Adresse de l’événement: 
United States

Whether you’re a certified health practitioner, a fitness professional working in the industry, or a student about to embark on a new career, you’ll find education, inspiration and networking opportunities at the summit. Enjoy daily workouts and hands-on workshops designed to help you elevate your health/fitness knowledge and services. Attend research-backed lectures to hear the latest developments. Earn up to 25 continuing education credits (CECs) while learning from and connecting with respected researchers, experts, speakers and trainers in the health and fitness field. Leave the summit with a host of practical ideas and applications supported by credible, evidence-based information and ACSM’s trusted brand.