In Your Face Youth Workers' Conference

Type de l’événement: 

Event Date: nov. 15, 2014


Anvil Centre
Adresse de l’événement: 
777 Columbia Street
New Wesminster, BC V3M 1B6

In Your Face 2014 is a one-day professional development workshop for youth workers, taking place at the brand new Anvil Centre on Saturday, November 15. It only happens once every two years so don't miss out! Participants will walk away with on-the-ground tools, techniques, and leadership skills they can implement to address the issues that youth face. Use #IYF2014 to promote the conference to you network.  Get involved with your community by letting your peers know how to register today.

• Discover new strategies on Engaging Immigrant Youth
• Make communication easy! Learn techniques on How to Have Tough Conversations With Youth
• Find out how you can create Winning Grant Applications from an executive leader in the community
• Uncover the depths of Cyberspace - Youth Work Frontier and help youth navigate the online world
• and much more!

Don’t let this opportunity for professional development pass you by:
• For more information, visit the Youth Conference webpage: 

Earlybird Deadline is October 17th. Save money by registering early!
• Early Bird Rates (on or before October 17, 2014): $80
• Regular Rates (after October 17, 2014): $120
*Rates include full day workshops, lunch, refreshments, and entrance to the post-conference social event