Genomics, Genetics, and Exercise Biology: A Celebratory Symposium
Event Date: mai. 14, 2015 - mai. 17, 2015
This event is aimed at developing new "omics" technologies (including genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics) with particular applications in sports medicine and sport science, including anti-doping. New approaches involving large, well-funded consortia and utilising "omics" technologies such as genome-wide methods will be necessary for meaningful progress to be made in these fields. In order to plan and develop this capacity, a fisrt of a kind symposium is being planned on the Greek island of Santorini to review the most significant findings in sports "omics" and to explore future trends and possibilities (including a Position Stand/Santorini Declaration). Potential participants have been identified in view of enhancing existing consortia and as necessary develop new consortia to move the field forward significantly. Representatives of all existing major consortia (Human Athlome Project, PowerGene, Genesis, GeneSmart, GAMES) and their respective funding agencies have been invited to participate in this symposium.