24th TAFISA World Congress 2015

Type de l’événement: 

Event Date: oct. 14, 2015 - oct. 18, 2015

Budapest, Hungary
Adresse de l’événement: 

Budapest will play host to the world’s leisure sports between 14-18 October 2015

Some 500 foreign and local experts are expected to attend the 24th TAFISA World Congress 2015, who will take huge expertise, knowledge and interest with them to Budapest along the very exciting topics set in the programme, primarily aimed at sharing with their colleagues from other countries. 

Lot to Share with the World
As host we are also getting prepared with lectures and contributions requiring interest. Out of the local endeavours essentially the initiative formulating the uniform system of requirements ensuring the standard of leisure sport events will be presented and we look forward to receiving questions, comments, remarks and advices of colleagues interested in this topic. 

Messages of the Budapest Congress much Awaited by the Sports World
The organising Hungarian Leisure Sport Association has been joined by several government offices, public agencies, non-profit bodies and private persons to the hospitality and the successful organisation. There are ones offering support, ones with relations, while others contribute with knowledge and expertise. All the above is done hoping that the most experts possible from numerous countries can attend.    

Budapest Worth Visiting
Budapest is a world metropolis, Budapest is a marvellous town. Maybe one of the nicest on earth. It’s not us claiming this. Foreigners visiting keep formulating this phrase.

It is a valuable cultural heritage we wish you to see. Lucky geographic features, splendid natural treasures, unmistakable buildings, genuine atmosphere, people with an interest and they are hospitable.
We wish to show you all this as far as we can.