SportsCardiologyBC Masters Athlete Testing
Event Date: sep. 12, 2015 - sep. 13, 2015
Sports Cardiology BC is coming to Kelowna to conduct Masters Athlete Heart Health Testing! Testing is quick, easy, and non-invasive. We believe this is paramount to create our own database in British Columbia Masters Athletes in order to gain a better understanding for appropriate and safe participation in sport.
Sports Cardiology BC is a Vancouver Coastal Health clinical and research program out of UBC Hospital that aims to limit the risk associated with the incredibly beneficial impacts of exercise. The program was founded in 2010 by Vancouver Olympic Games Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jack Taunton and Cardiologist Lead Dr. Saul Isserow.
Here are a couple of links featuring our study: You tube, Richmond Review, news 1130, Global News, Global News 2, Chris Gailus Blog
Who: Athletes (male and female) over 35 years old and are involved in informal recreational sports at a moderate to vigorous intensity level at least 3 times per week or participate in competitive sports (participate in organized team or individual sport that requires training and regular competition against others and places a high premium on athletic performance).
Why: When a seemingly healthy athlete collapses while participating in physical activity or sport, it is a tragic event. Through this research Sports Cardiology BC aims to evaluate the cardiovascular risk and the best screening method for detecting cardiovascular disease in British Columbia masters athletes in order to prevent adverse cardiac events and sudden cardiac death in sport. We will also determine the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the masters athlete and its association with the intensity of sport and volume of lifetime physical activity.
When: September 12th (9am-5pm) and September 13th (9am-4pm)
Where: Pinnacle Physio in the Capitol News Centre (4105 Gordan Drive, Kelowna, BC)
What (further information is included in the consent form, attached): The initial screen includes a questionnaire, a resting 12-lead ECG, and a cardiovascular physical examination (physician listens to your heart sounds and reviews cardiovascular history). This will take 30 minutes of your time (register for your screening below).
Prior to the initial screen you will be required to complete a lipid blood profile. If you have not completed a recent blood lipid profile (within one year of the screen), please consult with your physician to acquire a laboratory requisition (i.e. lipid profile and fasting blood sugar) and complete prior to your screening session. If this is not possible or not complete on the day of screening you may acquire a requisition from the research team.
If the initial screen is positive you will be contacted by the research team to undergo an exercise stress test and/or further diagnostic testing and will be conducted at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Hospital, or one of its satellite locations (in Kelowna).
Please note that this is a 5 year longitudinal study where each subsequent year (for 5 years) you will be asked to complete a follow up questionnaire, redo your blood lipid profile, and have the resting ECG re-administered (at a location in Kelowna or at UBC Hospital). The questionnaire will be used to observe changes in your cardiovascular risk profile as well as to document any adverse cardiovascular events. The resting ECG will observe the presence of any new cardiovascular disorders.
Register Online:
September 12th (9am-5pm)
===>To Register click HERE and then choose September 12th in the calendar and your preferred time
September 13th (9am-4pm)
===>To Register Click HERE and then choose September 13th in the calendar and your preferred time
Education Event, Sunday September 13th 5-6pm at Pinnacle Physiotherapy
We will also be hosting an education event on Sunday September 13th from 5-6pm. Sports Cardiologist, Dr. James McKinney will be discussing the effects of physical activity in Masters Athletes. This will include the positive impact of regular exercise as well as the potential negative effects of excessive exercise. Please come out for this event where the newest information on exercise in Masters Athletes will be presented. Register using this link:
For more information check out our website and or contact Barb Morrison at