Leading The Way: Working with LGBT Athletes and Coaches
Date du webinaire: Mardi, Mars 22, 2016
This webinar will profile CAAWS’ resource developed for coaches and sport administrators to learn best practices and tips to make sport more welcoming to LGBT athletes and coaches. During the session, key topics from the resource will be highlighted, including taking stock in your organization, how to use inclusive language and address disrespectful language, dealing with an LGBT athlete or coach coming out to you, addressing locker room concerns, and more.
The webinar will end with time for participant questions and discussion. The Leading the Way resource can be downloaded for free at: http://www.caaws-homophobiainsport.ca/e/resources_caaws/index.cfm
Check out the COC’s #OneTeam: Athletes stand up for inclusion in sport video at http://olympic.ca/videos/oneteam-athletes-stand-up-for-inclusion-in-sport/
French version: http://sirc.ca/fr/webinar/montrer-le-chemin-travailler-avec-des-athletes...