2017 Coach Developer Conference

Type de l’événement: 

Event Date: oct. 12, 2017 - oct. 15, 2017

Hotel Grand Pacific
Adresse de l’événement: 
463 Belleville Street
Victoria, BC V8V 1X3

The 2017 Coach Developer Conference is a multi-sport event open to all NCCP Coach Developers. Join us in beautiful Victoria, BC from October 12 – 15 to further develop yourself professionally in any of the Coach Developer roles. This will be a great opportunity to network and learn from sport leaders representing a variety of sports and from all over Canada.

Master Coach Developer, Learning Facilitator and Coach Evaluator Core Training courses will be offered ahead of the conference, along with a new one-day professional development opportunity tailored for Master Coach Developers.

The conference will boast plenary sessions geared to inspire a holistic sport sector mindset and approach, but also develop practical and take-home learnings that can be implemented right away. Breakout sessions will offer three targeted streams: Learning Facilitator, Coach Evaluator and a General Coach Developer option. Content will be specially tailored to each role to increase skills and confidence, work through common challenges, and ways to develop your Coach Developer team.