CSEP Advanced Module Series: Nutrition II - Is there anything more to it than calories?
Event Date: jan. 18, 2018
Is there anything more to it than calories? Explore mainstream diets, nutrient manipulation and the biochemical basis for fat deposition and weight gain.
A 2 part nutrition series for exercise professionals on understanding the physiology behind fat storage and fat utilization and the role of mainstream diets and exercise have in modulating weight control.
The installement has two videos which will take place on January 18th and 25th, 2018 from 6:30pm-8:30pm EST.
This Advanced Module Series is part of the Nutrition Series; another Advanced Module will be coming in February.
This Advanced Module will be taught by Dr. Adam Upshaw:
Adam Upshaw is a practicing CSEP-CEP, a registered Kinesiologist (RKIN) and completed his graduate work (PhD) in Exercise Metabolism at the University of Western Ontario. Adam is currently a Professor at Niagara College, the Head Coach of the Niagara College Men's and Women's Cross Country Teams and has worked in the area of weight management for more than 6 years providing nutrition and fitness counselling. Adam is a fitness enthusiast, an avid triathlete and strives to provide quality and scientifically backed nutrition programs to his clients.