Event Date: mar. 8, 2018
Join us to celebrate International Women's Day to support and increase female leaders in sport! The afternoon will kick off with a panel presentation sharing diverse experiences and lessons learned about developing, recruiting and retaining women leaders through proactive policy, sponsorship, advocacy, and formal and informal mentorship.
During the second part of the afternoon, participants will be introduced to the new Female Coach Mentorship Model developed by the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) and the Coaching Association of Canada.
The Female Coach Mentorship Model is a turnkey program designed to help create effective and sustainable mentoring relationships to support women leaders in realizing their goals. Led by Allison Sandmeyer-Graves and Allison McNeil, this session will build on the panel presentation, discussing key considerations and practical tips for mentors, mentees and organizations.
This event will provide a valuable learning and networking opportunity for all of those working within the B.C. Sport sector and for university and college students interested in a career in the sport field.
- For more information on the speakers, facilitators and their bios, please visit www.viaSport.ca/IWD2018
- Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/levelthefield-supporting-female-leaders-in-sport-tickets-42645980275