Respiratory influences on oxygen transport, fatigue and exercise performance

Type de l’événement: 

Event Date: nov. 21, 2018


Adresse de l’événement: 
475 Devonshire Rd Unit 100
Windsor, ON N8Y 2L5

With few exceptions, the lungs, airways and respiratory muscles of healthy humans are “overbuilt” for the ventilatory and gas-exchange demands imposed by exercise. This scenario may not apply during intense, sustained exercise during which three mechanisms primarily under the control of the respiratory system – namely, respiratory muscle work and fatigue, cyclical fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure, and arterial oxyhaemoglobin desaturation – are significant determinants of arterial oxygen content and/or blood flow and its distribution to the working legs. The aim of this webinar is to discuss these respiratory influences on oxygen transport and how they might exacerbate exercise-induced respiratory and/or peripheral muscle fatigue and compromise endurance performance in health and disease.

Dr Romer holds a Readership in Human and Applied Physiology.  After completing undergraduate and postgraduate studies, he worked for several years at the British Olympic Medical Centre where he was responsible for physiological support services to National Governing Bodies.  Subsequently, he completed a PhD at the University of Birmingham and received post-doctoral training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dr Romer’s research is focused on the cardiorespiratory responses, interactions and limitations to exercise in health and disease.  He has authored numerous journal articles on topics related to these areas, and has produced numerous invited book chapters for national and international organisations.

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