About SIRC

Incorporated in 1973, SIRC, the Sport Information Resource Centre, has been the leading and most trusted source to learn, share and support Canada’s sport community for over 40 years.  We are committed to engaging with organizations and individuals involved in, or responsible for the development of, sport and fitness in Canada and around the world, to enhance the capacity of our shared community to foster growth and the pursuit of excellence.


The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) is very pleased to present its new logo.  To coincide with its rejuvenated Strategic Plan, the updated SIRC logo is designed to embrace the spirit of using information to innovate and to inspire a sense of national pride. 

  • The focal point of the logo builds on the “I” in SIRC and underscores SIRC's mission of using information to innovate while maintaining the importance of integrity and inspiring creative intelligence.

  • The silhouette of a person in motion represents celebration, movement, energy, and the inclusive network of all people involved in sport.

  • The incorporation of the maple leaf into our logo is an exciting addition since we are very proud to be Canadian, proud to be the central communication hub for sport in Canada, and proud to be strengthening the knowledge exchange by and between Canadians and our counterparts around the world involved in sport. 


Our mission statement clearly articulates what SIRC does for constituents. It provides a connecting force to remind stakeholders what we stand for: 

SIRC empowers sport organizations and individuals by sharing credible and evidence based knowledge using relevant and innovative communication channels.


Our vision statement sets out the long-term desired state of SIRC. It is a powerful and bold statement of our preferred future. Our vision signals a deep desire to innovate and to position SIRC as the leader in knowledge creation and sharing for sport leaders:

SIRC is the leading sport knowledge and communication centre.

Core Values

Values are statements of conviction that express what an organization most believes in. SIRC Board and Staff are committed to living our values and ensuring they are reflected in everything we do:

Trusted advisor: We are a credible voice for and within sport. We invite multiple perspectives. Together we enhance the sport experience.

Connections builder: We leverage our knowledge to strengthen community networks and stakeholder communication. We foster positive relationships. We fuel excellence through relevant knowledge exchange.

Knowledge creator: We like to solve problems. We share what we learn. We always strive to innovate.