Women in Sport Work Group Recommendation Report

At their June 2016 meeting, Federal-Provincial/Territorial Ministers responsible for sport, physical activity and recreation (SPAR) identified “Increased participation of women and girls (reducing the gender gap) in sport” as one of the priorities for the SPAR intergovernmental table.  The F-P/T Sport Committee (FPTSC) Work Group on Women and Girls in Sport was subsequently established in fall of 2016 with the mandate to provide recommendations to the FPTSC on initiatives aimed at increasing the participation of women and girls in all facets of sport.


The Work Group was co-chaired by Dr. Bruce Kidd and Dr. Guylaine Demers, and included government and NGO representatives from eight jurisdictions, with a broad variety of backgrounds and experiences.  The Co-chairs presented the Work Group’s Recommendation Report to the FPTSC in October 2018. The Report is the result of a two-year investigation undertaken by the Work Group and included targeted consultations with the sport community to validate desired outcomes, inform implementation and identify priorities.

A Common Vision for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving

Being physically active is key to good overall health and to preventing chronic disease. Levels of physical inactivity and sedentary living among Canadians are critical issues in Canada.

Inventory, Literature Review and Recommendations for Canada's Sport for Development Initiatives (March 2018)

F-P/T Priorities for Collaborative Action 2017-2022

Policy and Program Considerations for Increasing Sport Participation Among Members of Underrepresented Groups in Canada (November 2016)

Canadian Sport Policy (2012) Formative Evaluation and Thematic Review of Physical Literacy and LTAD

Canadian Sport Policy implementation webinar

The purpose of this webinar is to promote, across the country, best practices and examples of Canadian Sport Policy (CSP) implementation. The webinar has 3 panelists sharing, 1 or 2 of their programs that best illustrate the Canadian Sport Policy 2.0 being implemented in the sport community. The goal of this webinar is to Increase awareness of CSP and encourage knowledge sharing.

The three panelists will highlight:

  • An Innovative Sport funding approach in Quebec
  • Educating on physical literacy and Engaging Nova Scotian communities using Canadian Sport four Life
  • Developing safe and welcoming sport communities in Manitoba using Respect in Sport

Webinar Discussion Feedback


Reports, Papers & Consultations

FPT Priorities for Collaborative Action 2012-17

National Gathering Summary Report

Canadian Sport Policy Renewal National Gathering (November 9-10, 2011) - Summary Report

Discussion Paper

Towards a Renewed Canadian Sport Policy

The Conference Board of Canada Report

Analysis of Canadian Sport Policy Renewal (CSPR) F-P/T Government Consultations and e-Survey Data

E-Survey Results (SIRC) National & Provincial



Reports, Papers & Consultations National Provincial Community

National Provincial Community
E-Survey Summary Final Report Alberta Final Report of the
Community Perspectives Project
Vancouver, Jun 15/11 British Columbia  
Calgary, Jun 17/11 Manitoba  
Montreal, Jun 21/11 Saskatchewan  
Ottawa, Jun 23/11 Ontario  
COC CSP Workshop (Apr/11) New Brunswick  
  Prince Edward Island  
Canadian Parks & Rec Nunavut  


Targeted Populations


Background Documents

Canadian Sport Policy


Canadian Sport Policy Survey Background documents


Environmental Scan


CSPR Powerpoint Presentations

CSP Renewal Overview

The first-ever Canadian Sport Policy was established in 2002. It described a vision and goals for sport to the year 2012. Over the past two years, Canadians have been actively engaged in sharing their views on what sport should look like in Canada as part of consultations for the renewal of the Canadian Sport Policy post-2012. The consultation process has been comprehensive including community-based, provincial/territorial and national meetings as well as an e-survey. Reports from the consultations, together with the summary report prepared by the Conference Board of Canada, led to the creation of a discussion paper entitled “Towards a Renewed Canadian Sport Policy”. This paper, which was intended to provide the foundation for the renewed Canadian Sport Policy, was discussed at a National Gathering in November 2011. The Gathering comprised a broad spectrum of individuals from the community, provincial/territorial and national levels across Canada, including representatives from the sport sector and other related sectors as well as government officials.

Two years in the making, and endorsed by federal, provincial and territorial Ministers responsible for sport, physical activity and recreation, the Canadian Sport Policy reflects the interests and concerns of 14 government jurisdictions, the Canadian sport community, and of the countless other organizations and agencies that influence and benefit from sport in Canada.

The Policy challenges all stakeholders to open sport to every segment of Canadian society. It welcomes and seeks to involve all those who do not currently consider themselves a part of either the sport community or the sport system, but have the potential and the desire to contribute.

Above all, the Policy seeks to improve the sport experience of all Canadians by helping to ensure the harmonious and effective functioning, and transparency of their sport system. The Canadian Sport Policy reflects a new approach to shared leadership and collaboration amongst all stakeholders to achieve the goals of enhanced participation, excellence, capacity and interaction in sport.

The Vision of the Canadian Sport Policy is to have, by 2012 a dynamic and leading-edge sport environment that enables all Canadians to experience and enjoy involvement in sport to the extent of their abilities and interests and, for increasing numbers, to perform consistently and successfully at the highest competitive levels.

This vision is supported by four goal statements:

  • Enhanced Participation
    A significantly higher proportion of Canadians from all segments of society are involved in quality sport activities at all levels and in all forms of participation.
  • Enhanced Excellence
    The pool of talented athletes has expanded and Canadian athletes and teams are systematically achieving world-class results at the highest levels of international competition through fair and ethical means.
  • Enhanced Capacity
    The essential components of an ethically based, athlete/participant-centred development system are in place and are continually modernized and strengthened as required.
  • Enhanced Interaction
    The components of the sport system are more connected and coordinated as a result of the committed collaboration and communication amongst the stakeholders.

F-P/T Ministers approved the Federal-Provincial/Territorial Priorities for Collaborative Action 2002-2005 at the same time they approved the Canadian Sport Policy. This joint action plan consisted of 13 priorities and 22 actions aimed at advancing sport in Canada according to the four goals of the Policy. F-P/T Ministers approved a second set of priorities for collaborative action at their conference in 2007 for the period 2007-2012, which included four priorities and 12 actions.