Did you know … SIRC has a regional office in Toronto? You can check books out of the Ottawa and Toronto locations if you are a member of SIRC?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - 10:03

Recently SIRC and SPORT4ONTARIO hosted an Open House at our NEW regional office in Toronto. After consulting with Amanda Street-Bishop, the Information Specialist at the SIRC@SPORT4ONTARIO Office, Nancy Rebel and Brandie Adams brought over 400 books, journals and DVDs from the SIRC Collection to the Toronto office for people to browse through. The event was fantastic! Numerous sport groups in the GTA attended the event to find out about SIRC services and to help choose what they would like included in the SIRC@SPORT4ONTARIO Library. Debra Gassewitz, president and CEO of SIRC, gave a brief presentation and then launched the new Check Out service.

SIRC members in Ottawa and the GTA are now able to borrow SIRC resources on a weekly basis. Currently there are over fifty publications being circulated on nutrition, team building, officiating, mental training, administration, coaching, strength training, leisure management and more. Popular books include:

o Successful Sports Officiating: fundamentals for all officials.
o The Women's Basketball Drill Book: More than 180 drills from the game's top coaches.
o Speed for Sports Performance (DVD)
o Complete Conditioning for Tennis.

SIRC is looking forward to organizing other events in the future. Stay tuned to see what we’re hosting next!!

Also, as a new feature to our blog entries, SIRC is excited to let you know about new titles that have recently been added to the SIRC Collection:

o Actively Engaged: A Policy on Sport for Women and Girls. (Canadian Heritage)
o Rock Climbing. (Human Kinetics)
o Softball Coaching Development Program Level 3. National Coaching Certification Program. (Softball Canada)