How often should a Board of Directors meet annually?
This varies greatly based on the type of Board governance model. The number and frequency of Board meetings should be guided by the decisions that the Board needs to make and where appropriate within a timeline that facilitates management's ability to efficiently and effectively implement those decisions. Many organisations establish key meeting dates a year in advance in order to provide operational committees and staff guidelines for submission of recommendations and to respect Board members need to plan their volunteer commitments. These can be supplemented by if needed dates. Board meetings that make use internet based tools such as Web Conferencing and Skype are cost and time effective approaches that should be investigated by all sport organisations.
Joan Duncan
JDI Consulting
Effective governance is a reflection of the priority placed on governance activities within an organisation. Since the Board is the "governing body" within the organisation, Board meetings must be a programming priority if an organisation expects to be well governed. As a minimum, Board's should meet face to face at least once per year outside the AGM environment, but with a commitment to conduct Board business by conference call at least on a quarterly basis. Some best practices for national sport organisations see face to face Board meetings quarterly, with monthly conference call meetings in between. Each organisation needs to determine what is feasible within their fiscal and time restraints, with an understanding that the membership will ultimately determine the effectiveness of the organisation's governance at the AGM.
Ian Moss
Canadian Olympic Committee