How Will You Celebrate National Coaches Week?
August 26, 2019
Coaching Association of Canada - September 21-29 marks the fifth annual National Coaches Week and we’re asking for your help to celebrate! Whether you’re a sport organization, an athlete or participant, parent or coach, administrator or volunteer, we want your help to say #ThanksCoach to coaches across the country.
National Coaches Week is a time to celebrate the tremendous positive impact that coaches have on athletes and communities across Canada. The week provides everyone across Canada the opportunity to recognize coaches for the integral role they play, simply by saying #ThanksCoach.
National #CoachesWeek engages sport organizations, athletes, participants, volunteers, and parents across Canada to publicly recognize and celebrate coaches for the time and energy they devote to developing participants’ passion for sport and to abiding by the principles of responsible coaching.
Coaches make valuable contributions to the quality of life in communities across Canada by developing young athletes’ passion for sport that can carry them on to greater heights later in life. Coaching also contributes significantly to volunteerism in Canada – one in seven Canadians will coach at some point in their lifetime.
How will you be celebrating?
Consider planning a recognition event, offering discounted coach training, or profiling different coaches throughout the week. Saying thanks can be as easy as sharing a post on social media. Be sure to use the hashtags #ThanksCoach #MerciCoach, #CoachesWeek, and #SemaineDesEntraineurs to help the week trend on social media. There are tools and resources to support you in the Participation Guide posted on the National Coaches Week website.
We Need Your Help!
National Coaches Week wouldn’t be possible without the support of Provincial / Territorial Coaching Representatives, National Sport Organizations, hundreds of Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations, Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies, University teams, thousands of clubs, and the millions of participants and athletes across Canada. This year make sure one of them is you!
For up-to-date information on National Coaches Week, visit and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #CoachesWeek and #ThanksCoach.