Canada’s Top Sport Scientists, Researchers, Leaders and Coaches Gather in Toronto for 14th Annual Own the Podium SPIN Summit

October 28, 2019

Own the Podium —Media invited to SPIN Summit Awards Luncheon October 29 to recognize inaugural Performance Sciences Practitioner of the Year and Dr. Gord Sleivert Award presentation—

TORONTO—More than 225 top sport scientists, researchers, high performance practitioners, and coaches will gather in Toronto for the 14th annual Own the Podium SPIN Summit this week to build knowledge and skills to support Olympic and Paralympic sport success through applied sport science research.

Designed to explore and share world-leading practices in performance sciences, research and innovation to push the limits of performance at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Sport Innovation Summit is Canada’s cutting-edge symposium for professional development and networking in the areas of applied sport science, sport medicine, and innovation.

Media are invited to join the Olympic and Paralympic sport science community at The Westin Prince for the SPIN Summit Awards Luncheon, October 29 at 12 noon, to recognize the inaugural Performance Sciences Practitioner of the Year Award winner, as well as the 2019 Dr. Gord Sleivert Young Investigator Awards.

The Performance Sciences Practitioner of the Year Award will be given to a Canadian high-performance sport scientist for innovative work and outstanding service to the development and support of Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic athletes. The award recognizes insightful and ethical work that positively impacts the performances of our nation’s high-performance athletes and enhances the integrated performance sciences teamwork.

The Dr. Gord Sleivert Young Investigator Awards were created in 2013 to recognize students committed to a career in performance sciences, research and innovation. The award was created in honour of Dr. Gord Sleivert who passed away suddenly in 2012 while working with Swimming Canada at the Olympic and Paralympic trials in Montreal.

More than 40 abstracts focused on new high-performance sport training methodologies, nutritional protocols, performance analysis, coaching, equipment designs, injury prevention, and innovations in recovery and regeneration, were submitted to SPIN Summit organizers with the goal of winning one of three $1,000 educational grants. Eighteen students will make short presentations to the conference attendees with Anne Merklinger making the official presentation to the three winners.

SPIN 2019 will also include workshops focused on neuroscience , along with sessions in sport innovation and professional skill development and networking.

WHEN: 12 noon – Tuesday, October 29


WHERE: The Westin Prince – Toronto

                  900 York Mills RD





Chris Dornan                                                                                                                                       

Own the Podium                                                                              

T: 403-620-8731                                                              
