2019 Year in Review


Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 08:00

As we ease ourselves into the year ahead, here is a round-up of the most popular SIRCuit articles and SIRC blogs from 2019!

Top 5 SIRCuit Articles

  1. Gender Equity is Good Governance – Lessons from the Sport Sector
  2. Cannabis and Sport: Perspectives from a Seat in the Canadian Senate
  3. Managing the Risk of Athlete Burnout With or Without Early Specialization
  4. Changing the Culture of Hazing in Canada
  5. Balancing Psychological Load: New Perspectives on Recovery

To review all SIRCuit articles, click here.


Top 5 SIRC Blogs

  1. Athlete Perspective: How to manage social media during competition
  2. Addressing Under-reporting of Concussion in Para Sport
  3. Balancing Athlete Performance and Satisfaction at Major Games
  4. Putting “Inclusion” into Practice for our LGBTQI2S Community
  5. 2020 Arctic Winter Games: How Uneven Competition Led to Significant Change in Northern Sport Development

To review all SIRC blogs, click here.


Top 3 SIRCTalks Episodes

  1. Episode #8 featuring Mike Bara, Hockey Canada
  2. Episode #5 featuring Joe Baker, York University
  3. Episode #9 featuring SIRC and the University of Ottawa

To review all SIRCTalks episodes, click here.


Thank you to all the authors that contributed content this year!

SIRC is always on the lookout for interesting research results, insightful evaluation findings and innovative practices to share with Canada’s sport sector through knowledge nuggets, blogs and articles. Contact us to discuss your ideas and for more information on content guidelines, submission processes, and scheduling.