Happy New Year!
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 - 09:00

Welcome to 2017 and Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation!
This year is certain to be an exciting one with all the celebrations surrounding Canada’s 150! From coast to coast to coast, sport is coming together to celebrate our nation in a spirit of cooperation and activity. Sport organizations around the country are taking this year as an opportunity to showcase what sport has to offer no matter what your level of activity. So now is the time to get out there and try something new. Check out some of the events and sports being highlighted this year:
Since October 2016 Canadian’s have been voting for their top 150 activities to make the ParticipACTION 150 Playlist. In January, the final list of 150 activities chosen by Canadians to define us as Canadians will be revealed. Make sure to check out all the activities and give them a try throughout the year.
Unity Through Sport – the 50th Anniversary of the Canada Games
The Canada Games celebrates 50 years in 2017 at the Canada Summer Games in Winnipeg July 28-August 13.. To celebrate not only are they hosting athletes from across the county, they’ve put together an Activity Challenge to inspire children in elementary schools across Canada through active curriculum-based lessons. The Challenge starts February 13th. Check out the resources for teachers, parents and kids.
2017 brings to light 3 major hockey milestones with the 125th anniversary of the Stanley Cup, the centennial of the NHL and the 25th season of the Ottawa Senator’s hockey season. Canada will be celebrating these occasions with a 4 day celebration March 15-18 with a variety of Stanley Cup-centric events. Check them out!
This year will mark the 105th Grey Cup, the Canadian Football League’s championship game. Taking place November 21-26, 2017 in Ottawa, the festival will include “events, performances, live music and activities that build a sense of pride and unity and showcases Canada’s culture”. Come to see the game and enjoy all that Ottawa has to offer.
These are just a few of the ways Canadians can celebrate our 150th year through sport. There are lots of other local, national and international sporting events taking place this year. Check out your local clubs and sports to find out what the celebrations are in your community and take advantage of the opportunities to celebrate, have fun and get active!!