CCES - Values Proposition Symposium

Event Type: 

Event Date: Oct. 15, 2018 to Oct. 16, 2018


Shaw Centre
Event Address: 
55 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1N 9J2

In collaboration with the Public Policy Forum (PPF), the CCES is hosting The Values Proposition: Building a Stronger Canada through Values-Based Sport, a symposium that will inform and inspire thinkers, doers and decision makers throughout the Canadian sport community to ensure that values-based sport and the True Sport Principles become embedded in the modus operandi of sport, from playground to podium.

In the lead-up to the symposium, the CCES and PPF held five roundtables across Canada. The goals for the sessions were:

To raise awareness of emerging issues and deepen our understanding of what values-based sport is;

  • To bring out compelling examples of where values-based sport is already making a difference;
  • To expose the barriers to values-based sport; and
  • To identify the pivotal levers of change, in policy and practice, that will cement values into every aspect of Canadian sport.

The learnings from the roundtables, which are summarized in the Roundtables Report (July 2018), will serve as the springboard for further debate and discussion at the national symposium in October in Ottawa.

Register your interest for the symposium at

Please note that spaces are limited and registration does not guarantee a seat at the symposium. Attendees will be selected by the CCES and PPF in an effort to create a diverse and inclusive group as a means to stimulate the most valuable discussion.

For more information on the symposium please contact

The CCES would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through Sport Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage.