The International Congress of Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy (ICPESK) , 5th Edition

Event Type: 

Event Date: Jun. 10, 2015 to Jun. 13, 2015


Bucharest, Romania
Event Address: 
Constantin Noica, 140,
060057 Bucharest

The International Congress of Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy (ICPESK) is an international scientific congress with multidisciplinary character which wants to provide empirical research, reviews and debates relating to: sport sciences, physical education and physical therapy. Major areas of coverage include: education, sports, physical education, physical therapy, recreation, research area, sport activities, sport psychology, sport sociology, training and teaching methods, biomechanics-kinesiology, healthcare, psychology, philosophy, physiology, sport medicine, management and marketing, ethics, low etc.

General objective of ICPESK is to promote scientific excellence, encouraging a broad spectrum of contribution of scientific papers in sport science.