The SPort INnovation (SPIN) Summit

Event Type: 

Event Date: Oct. 6, 2014 to Oct. 9, 2014

Le Centre Sheraton Montréal
Event Address: 
Le Centre Sheraton Montreal
Montreal, QC

The theme for SPIN Summit 2014 is “Raising the bar in health-science support for elite athletes”. This energetic, cutting edge conference will include one full day of applied workshops at INS de Québec, providing hands-on performance enhancement opportunities in their newly renovated facility. Building off these workshops, the second day will be dedicated to plenary sessions focusing on Raising the Bar, Performance on Demand, and Performance Analytics. The Le Centre Sheraton Montréal will play host to these expert plenary sessions, alongside a variety of poster displays, culminating into the Dr. Gord Sleivert Young Investigator Awards.