URePSSS / INSEP2015 - Workshop Sports, Genders and Sexualities. Social, Ethical and Political Challenges

Event Type: 

Event Date: May. 2, 2015 to May. 5, 2015

University of the Littoral Opal Coast, Dunkirk, France
Event Address: 

As expressions of cultural embodiment, sexualities, genders and sports can be analyzed as a mirror of societies’ transformations and developments. The analysis of sports, gender and sexuality can be a key to analyze changes and persistence's in social interactions and collective representations. This workshop seeks to create a discursive space for contributors to explore the social, ethical and political criticalities arising in the interaction between sports, gender and sexualities in contemporary societies.. We invite papers aimed at both understanding the relationships between sports, genders and sexualities, and using them as a tool to analyse broader social, ethical and political transformations. As such, such, we hope to provide both critical evaluation of current theories and paradigms by which sport, gender and sexuality are understood and encourage the opening of new horizons for critical investigations. Indicative but not exhaustive themes of enquiry might be:

  • Should sport be sexy? Should sex be sport? What do we learn from bring the two together?
  • How have sports and physical cultures built their specificities - in particular with relation to genders and sexual differences and consequently to body-related social norms - and how should we understand them? 
  • How have sports’ institutions managed to include or exclude gender and sexual diversities (e.g. cases of intersexed and/or transgender athletes or gender bars)? Are these exclusions necessary and what if any solutions are there for these exclusions?
  • To what extent has sports cultures been inherently sexist and heteronormative, and to what extent are they spaces of abuse, prejudice and pathology, and how can this be changed?
  • What impacts have innovations in sport practices (technologies, enhancements, techniques, dressing-codes, aesthetics, etc.) had in their intersection with sexualities?
  • To what extent have issues of sexual violence and homophobia amongst the sports community been successfully addressed?
  • How should we understand the confluences of desire, eroticism and pleasure in the intersections of sport and sexuality?
  • What are the popular and digitla media’s roles and  responsibilities in the co-construction of sex and gender representations in sports?
  • What are the contemporary challenges and opportunities when we consider the relationship between sports and sexuality