Webinar - Governor General’s Conference on Concussions in Sport

Event Type: 

Event Date: Dec. 6, 2016


Event Address: 

Concussions in sport are an important public health issue. The frequency with which they occur as well as their potential short-and-long-term health consequences call for action. But we also need to reassure youth and those responsible for their care that important steps have and will continue to be taken to ensure the safest environment possible for them to enjoy sport and recreational activities.

Your involvement and knowledge in the fields of sport, recreation, education and health will be most valuable as we work to determine tangible ways to reduce the incidence of concussions, keep sport safe and encourage young people to pursue sports or any physical activity they love without any anxiety. We invite you to register to join us for the online webinar for the sport community in order to actively participate in this conference.

The conference will provide participants with the opportunity to share experiences and best practices in an effort to contribute to the work being done to help reduce the incidence of concussions, to keep sport safe, and to encourage young people to pursue the sport or physical activity they love without hesitation.

Watch the Governor General’s video message for more information on the conference and its program. Short biographies of the panellists are available on www.gg.ca/concussions