Coming Soon! 2020 PRESTIGE Award Nominations Open November 1

October 24, 2019

Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance (CSTA) - Recognize your outstanding people and events of the sport tourism industry from 2019!

The CSTA’s PRESTIGE awards are launching soon. There are a few changes this year – including the opportunity to now nominate International events in two different budget categories.

Nominations Open: November 1, 2019
Nominations Close: December 2, 2019

Finalists in each category will be honoured in Edmonton at Sport Events Congress 2020, on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at the PRESTIGE Awards Presentation, presented by Saskatoon Sports Tourism. The presentation will be followed by a networking reception and luncheon presented by IHG. Ticket info can be found here.

Get ready to complete the online nomination form and honour your best of 2019!

We look forward to receiving your nominations starting on November 1st.