How does a Board distinguish between Board and Staff responsibilities within an organisation?


This will depend on the governance model that the organisation has chosen. What is critically important is that there are well documented Terms of Reference for the Board and committees and job descriptions for individual volunteer and staff positions. The Terms of Reference and Job descriptions should clearly identify responsibilities, reporting relationships and decisions that the body or individual has the authority to make.

Joan Duncan
JDI Consulting


First and foremost, understand that the Board of Directors have ultimate legal responsibility for association affairs - the question needs to be focused instead on a determination of the level of operational management that is divested to staff, and the process of Board oversight of operations.

As a Board, be very clear in articulating staff responsibilities, limitations, behavioural standards and reporting procedures - there are numerous "best practice" examples available to review.

An organisation can never clearly delineate Board/staff responsibilities in all areas of association operations, so ensure that the Board has a mechanism in place to determine a "go forward" position in "grey" areas of operational distinction. In doing so, make sure that such decisions are recorded for future clarity and reference.

Ian Moss
Canadian Olympic Committee