ISSA2015, 50th Anniversary World Congress of Sociology of Sport

Event Type: 

Event Date: Jun. 9, 2015 to Jun. 12, 2015

Sport Sciences Faculty of Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
Event Address: 

Readers of this page are cordially invited to join in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) and our journal the International Review for the Sociology of Sport (IRSS/SAGE) at our 2015 World Congress, June 9–12 in Paris, France.  The theme of the conference is

The sociological lens and the well-being of sport

There will be special panels on the state of global sociology of sport along with special events including a chance to meet the “legends of the field”.

Keynote speaker: Professor Geneviève Rail, University of Concordia, Canada

Venue: Sport Sciences Faculty of Paris Descartes University

The conference website will soon be open for submission of abstracts:. Please check regularly at this address: