Celebrate the Power of Sport!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - 09:00

The fifth annual RBC Sports Day in Canada, presented by ParticipACTION, CBC and True Sport is a national celebration of sport at all levels. On the ground, in the week leading up to November 29, over a thousand organizations, schools, teams and towns will hold a blitz of Sports Day in Canada events, with community-wide festivals, try-it days, open houses, games, competitions, meet-and-greets, tournaments, fun runs, spectator events and pep rallies that celebrate sport at all levels. Celebrate the power of sport at work in communities across the country by getting active and attending an event in your area. Event listings are on the on the CBC website, here.
Jersey Day happens on Friday, November 28 so tweet pictures of you and your friends wearing a jersey, team or club uniform to school, work or play at #sportsday.