SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article reviewing a research study examining the USE OF COMMUNITY-BASED PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH TO ENGAGE INDIGENOUS YOUTH IN SPORT RESEARCH . Community-Based Sport Research with Indigenous Youth . /...Read more


SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article examining COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN DEVELOPING ATHLETES . The influence of community on athletic development: an integrated case study. Balish, S., & Côté, J. (2014). Qualitative Research...Read more

Celebrate the Power of Sport!

The fifth annual RBC Sports Day in Canada, presented by ParticipACTION , CBC and True Sport is a national celebration of sport at all levels. On the ground, in the week leading up to November 29, over a thousand organizations, schools, teams and towns will hold a blitz of Sports Day in Canada events , with community-wide festivals, try-it days, open houses, games, competitions, meet-and-greets,...Read more

The Power of Sport

Sport for development refers to any initiative that uses sport to help improve or strengthen its community or helps assist people in need. However, when people talk about sport for development they are often referring to organizations like Right to Play and UNICEF who work in developing countries all over the world. What is often overlooked is the work being done locally in the sport for...Read more

National Health and Fitness Day

National Health and Fitness Day (NHFD) takes place on June 7, 2014 and is about involving local governments in increasing the physical activity of their communities in response to declining rates of physical activity and increasing rates of heart disease and obesity. The project was initiated by MP John Weston in the fall of 2012 to motivate and encourage Canadians into actively taking...Read more

What is Physical Literacy?

by Leigh Cove Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern Muscle memory is a well-known term in active living and sport. The idea that once you have learned something and practiced it, your muscles will begin to move with the pattern of the motions each time you use them until those patterns become natural. Physical literacy takes this idea and applies it to the learning and development of...Read more

Special Olympics: Helping Build a Community

by Trent Weir Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern This community that Special Olympics fosters is full of inspirational people. One such example is Susie Doyens , a woman with Down syndrome who was non-verbal for most of her life. She would only speak to her mother and even then, just a few words. However once she started playing golf with Special Olympics, her confidence began to...Read more

International Walk to School Month

by Trent Weir Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern October is Some parents may be hesitant to send their children to school by active transportation because of safety concerns. However, an increase in the number of pedestrians has actually been shown to reduce the amount of crime in a neighbourhood. There are also resources, like Elmer the Safety Elephant , to help teach children...Read more

Why should women try powerlifting?

If someone said to you that they knew something you could do that would be empowering, challenging, engaging and would change your body composition - would you consider it? Powerlifting , often confused with Olympic lifting, is an individualized sport in which competitors attempt to lift as much weight as possible for one repetition in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. For women, powerlifting...Read more

Sports Day in Canada!

Sports Day in Canada is a national celebration of sport at all levels. On the ground, in the week leading up to September 29, over a thousand organizations, schools, teams and towns will hold a blitz of Sports Day in Canada events, with community-wide festivals, try-it days, open houses, games, competitions, meet-and-greets, tournaments, fun runs, spectator events and pep rallies that celebrate...Read more