Why should women try powerlifting?

If someone said to you that they knew something you could do that would be empowering, challenging, engaging and would change your body composition - would you consider it? Powerlifting , often confused with Olympic lifting, is an individualized sport in which competitors attempt to lift as much weight as possible for one repetition in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. For women, powerlifting...Read more

Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are a common injury in athletes and are most often associated with participation in sports involving running, jumping or repetitive stress. A stress fracture is a micro fracture of a bone that results when the rate of healing is unable to keep up with the rate of breakdown that is being caused by repetitive stress placed upon it. Stress fractures occur most frequently at the...Read more

Exercise and bone health

It is well known that regular exercise is excellent for your heart, health and well-being. There is also plenty of evidence that proves that regular exercise is essential in warding off various health-related issues; what's not as well known is that people who perform non-weight bearing exercises such as cycling or swimming as their sole method of exercise could be putting themselves at risk for...Read more

Bone Health and Calcium

We’ve all heard from childhood that we should drink milk for healthy bones. Milk is one of the most common sources of calcium which is a vital ingredient in bone development and maintenance. Many people stray from consuming milk as they enter adulthood for a variety of reasons whether it is fat content, lactose issues or preferences for other beverages. While it is most commonly found in milk and...Read more