Balance for Better: Gender Equity in Sport Leadership Benefits Everyone

CAAWS Roundtable with Minister Duncan

- November 2018

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been towards gender equity in sport leadership, but also to remind the sport sector that we still have work to do to ensure that women’s voices and opinions are equally valued and represented. This year’s international theme for March 8 is #BalanceforBetter - encouraging everyone to work towards a more gender-balanced...Read more

Lift like a Girl – Weightlifting for Women

With the ever increasing popularity of Crossfit, obstacle course racing (Spartan, Warrior Dash and mud runs) and a few great marketing campaigns - check out #liftlikeagirl and This Girl Can - women are heading to their local gym and hitting the weight room more than ever before. Weightlifting is one of the best ways to increase metabolism, build bone density, reduce weight and blood pressure, as...Read more


SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article reviewing a research study evaluating SPORT PARTICIPATION’S ROLE IN BULLYING PREVENTION FOR YOUNG ABORIGINAL WOMEN. "Mean mugging": an exploration of young Aboriginal women's experiences of...Read more

Sport Leadership - Creating Opportunities for Women

When female athletes decide to make the transition into leadership positions they bring with them numerous skills that have been developed from participating in sport. Many times these include high standards for success, the ability to overcome obstacles, exceptional discipline, and the ability work with and inspire a team - all of which are tremendously valuable for any organization. Even with...Read more

Getting Started. Female Coaches in Sport

If you take a look at the Canadian women involved in elite coaching today, any of them could easily be a role model for future women looking to make a difference through coaching. However the early stages of a female coach’s career are the most important to ensure continued participation, as concluded by Laval University professor Guylaine Demers . Her research has identified several common...Read more

Getting the Job Done: Female Coaches in Sport

From the recreational level all the way up to high performance athletes, more girls and women are participating in sport than ever before. However, the number of female coaches seen on the playing field has not followed the same trend and it’s not for a lack of talent. Female coaches , or those with the potential, are an untapped resource in the sporting community. Dawn Smyth and Carla Nicholls...Read more

Getting the Job Done: Female Coaches in Sport

From the recreational level all the way up to high performance athletes, more girls and women are participating in sport than ever before. However, the number of female coaches seen on the playing field has not followed the same trend and it’s not for a lack of talent. Female coaches , or those with the potential, are an untapped resource in the sporting community. Dawn Smyth and Carla Nicholls...Read more

Why should women try powerlifting?

If someone said to you that they knew something you could do that would be empowering, challenging, engaging and would change your body composition - would you consider it? Powerlifting , often confused with Olympic lifting, is an individualized sport in which competitors attempt to lift as much weight as possible for one repetition in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. For women, powerlifting...Read more

Diversity in Sport

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Diversity in Sport The Canadian sport community has the opportunity to embrace our uniquely diverse population and actively strive for a multicultural and socially inclusive environment. Proactive sport organizations adopt a broad view of diversity and value it to its fullest extent. Ideally, this means going beyond merely removing barriers to participation...Read more

Strength Training

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Strength Training Most people think strength training is just for professional athletes or body builders but we all need to understand what strength training is and the role it can have in improving our body and overall health . If you establish training guidelines and follow proper nutritional recommendations, adding regular resistance training in your daily...Read more