Getting the Job Done: Female Coaches in Sport

From the recreational level all the way up to high performance athletes, more girls and women are participating in sport than ever before. However, the number of female coaches seen on the playing field has not followed the same trend and it’s not for a lack of talent. Female coaches , or those with the potential, are an untapped resource in the sporting community. Dawn Smyth and Carla Nicholls...Read more

Taking the Gym “To Go”

The development of fitness apps for mobile devices is essentially turning smartphones into pop-up gyms that include the personal trainer, minus the heavy price tag. Variety is abundant and their convenience makes them a viable tool when getting to the gym just isn’t possible. So why not browse through the available apps and see if you can find your own pocket personal trainer. A couple of current...Read more

Developing Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers

As athletes train they are constantly thinking of new ways to build more muscle to improve their performance, but are they taking into consideration what type of muscle they should be developing? Skeletal muscle actually consist of two different types; slow twitch (ST) and fast twitch (FT). As their names suggest FT muscle fibers contract at a much faster speed (40-60 milliseconds compared to 110...Read more

Atteindre le cible

Programme des techniques de bibliothèque du Collège Algonquin SIRC Interne La course ne vous convient pas! Vous voulez demeurer physiquement actif, mais autrement! Pourquoi ne pas essayer le tir à l’arc *! En plus d’être un sport prestigieux, c’est une activité qui exige de l’habileté; regardez, par exemple Merida dans Brave, Katniss dans Hunter Games et Oeil-de-faucon dans Avengers. « Ce qu’il y...Read more