Josh Dueck

Même s’il représente l’Équipe Canada comme skieur para-alpin, Josh Dueck aime quand même expérimenter en ski libre, car c’est cette activité qui l’a attiré vers le sport en premier lieu. En 2012, il est devenu le tout premier skieur assis à exécuter un saut arrière à partir d’une rampe de ski. Il a aussi été récipiendaire de la Médaille du jubilé de diamant de la reine en 2013. Josh essaie...Read more

Taking the Gym “To Go”

The development of fitness apps for mobile devices is essentially turning smartphones into pop-up gyms that include the personal trainer, minus the heavy price tag. Variety is abundant and their convenience makes them a viable tool when getting to the gym just isn’t possible. So why not browse through the available apps and see if you can find your own pocket personal trainer. A couple of current...Read more

Taking the Gym “To Go”

The development of fitness apps for mobile devices is essentially turning smartphones into pop-up gyms that include the personal trainer, minus the heavy price tag. Variety is abundant and their convenience makes them a viable tool when getting to the gym just isn’t possible. So why not browse through the available apps and see if you can find your own pocket personal trainer. A couple of current...Read more

Staying Active over the Holidays

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Staying Active over the Holidays This time of year means visiting with family and friends, attending holiday parties and giving gifts, so it can be difficult for most of us to stay active during the holidays. The good news is that staying active doesn’t have to be that hard; recruiting your friends and family can increase the fun, add motivation and create...Read more

The Tech Savvy Coach

Many coaches have already started to incorporate smart technology into their training, and when used to its full potential, iPads or other smart technologies can significantly enhance the coaching business . To some coaches, technology can seem a little daunting, but coaches need to embrace it by making themselves aware of what is available and how it can benefit them and their athletes. Slow...Read more