Is it possible to have a healthy, active holiday season?

For 11 months of the year we (mostly) watch what we eat and stick to our exercise routine, then the holidays roll around and the wheels fall off. Tempted by wonderful goodies every time you turn around and overloaded by a hectic schedule it’s easy to let your healthy habits slip, overindulge, neglect your workouts and become stressed. Did you know that tobogganing can burn up to 346 calories an...Read more

Two Wheeled Winter Escape

by Leigh Cove Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern Once again winter has settled in, and even though it’s just started people are already counting the days until spring. A lucky few will get to escape and fly somewhere not coated in ice and snow, while the rest only get to daydream. If you are planning a vacation this winter and are looking for a unique experience growing in...Read more

Moderation, the smart choice in combating holiday weight gain!

It is that time of year where goodies such as sweets and holiday snacks are abundant around the office and at home. It is also a busy time for all, as we are traveling to visit people or are entertaining family and friends. With all the holidays’ festivities, we might start neglecting our exercise routines and healthy eating habits in the hopes of working off the excess after the holidays. A...Read more

Staying Active over the Holidays

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Staying Active over the Holidays This time of year means visiting with family and friends, attending holiday parties and giving gifts, so it can be difficult for most of us to stay active during the holidays. The good news is that staying active doesn’t have to be that hard; recruiting your friends and family can increase the fun, add motivation and create...Read more

Flock to a Turkey Trot

The thought of Canadian Thanksgiving elicits those lingering smells from the kitchen of the turkey roasting and pies in the oven. But before you eat enough calories in one meal that can last you for three days, why not take part in a bit of exercise? In true Canadian style, on Thanksgiving weekend there are many opportunities throughout the country to fit in a bit of fitness before sitting down...Read more

SIRC Newsletter - Healthy Holidays!

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter - Healthy Holidays ! For 11 months of the year we watch what we eat and stick to our exercise routine. Then the holiday season rolls around and the wheels fall off. Tempted by wonderful goodies every time you turn around and overloaded by a hectic holiday schedule it is easy to let your healthy habits slip, overindulge, neglect your workouts and become...Read more