Hiking for Beginners

From panoramic mountaintop views, to beautiful coastal waters, hiking lets you explore Canada's magnificent scenery. It's great to wander off alone for some downtime or it can be a wonderful family activity. How to get the most out of hiking: Footwear - Ensure that you have hiking boots or shoes that are of good quality and that are comfortable. If you happen to cross an unbridged stream, water...Read more

What gets your heart racing?

With an abundance of fun tech available, more of us are using a variety of tools to enhance our workouts. Measuring your heart rate can be useful and is something that a lot of people are incorporating into their training. That being said, many of us rely on our gadgets to provide us with this information but do we really know how to utilize it? Did you know? 1. Heart rates are specific to the...Read more

Be Confident and Don’t Think Too Much

Sprinters can be found in sports such as swimming, kayak or running and the psychological demands are much different than that of distance athletes. An article recently published in Splash discusses mental tips for sprinters. They may be basic but they cover the essentials. Controlling Your Arousal o You need to find the right balance of adrenaline at the beginning of a race. Too much energy...Read more

How you can be fit and healthy for free!

There are great tips out there for those people who want to be fit and healthy for less. The fitness industry is a billion dollar business. There are never ending ways to spend money on equipment, clothes, supplements, classes and other gadgets when there is really no need. For most people exercise and maintaining a healthy diet is all that is needed. Although relying on your own willpower can be...Read more

SIRC Newsletter - Healthy Holidays!

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter - Healthy Holidays ! For 11 months of the year we watch what we eat and stick to our exercise routine. Then the holiday season rolls around and the wheels fall off. Tempted by wonderful goodies every time you turn around and overloaded by a hectic holiday schedule it is easy to let your healthy habits slip, overindulge, neglect your workouts and become...Read more