Hiking for Beginners

From panoramic mountaintop views, to beautiful coastal waters, hiking lets you explore Canada's magnificent scenery. It's great to wander off alone for some downtime or it can be a wonderful family activity. How to get the most out of hiking: Footwear - Ensure that you have hiking boots or shoes that are of good quality and that are comfortable. If you happen to cross an unbridged stream, water...Read more

Be a Healthy Camper!

by Emily Syer Algonquin College Library Technician Program SIRC Intern With Victoria Day fast approaching, many of you may be already airing out your camping gear. When you travel, keep in mind that there are plenty of ways to stay active during your weekends of campfires, sunshine and relaxation. Paddling - Most campgrounds have canoes and/or kayaks available for rent. Paddling is a peaceful and...Read more

Is There An App For That?

Well, there sure is! It doesn’t matter what information you need access to, or what activity you want to track, there must be an App(lication) for that. And if you own an iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, iPod Touch, Android or Mac, you are already probably a convert to the App world. We are now able to do things that were thought impossible even a decade ago. But believe it or not many people have yet...Read more