Preventing School Sports Injuries

With fall just around the corner, high school students will soon be hitting the Many school sports injuries are preventable through proper training, use of proper equipment and right conditioning. To build a successful team you have to have all your athletes’ healthy and ready to contribute. Keeping your team healthy makes the experience more memorable and gives your team the best chance of...Read more

Hiking for Beginners

From panoramic mountaintop views, to beautiful coastal waters, hiking lets you explore Canada's magnificent scenery. It's great to wander off alone for some downtime or it can be a wonderful family activity. How to get the most out of hiking: Footwear - Ensure that you have hiking boots or shoes that are of good quality and that are comfortable. If you happen to cross an unbridged stream, water...Read more

Sport Safety and Accessories

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sport Accessories and Safety With all the kids back in the classroom, try outs for school sports and classes for phys-ed will be starting up again. Many of you may have already received a note from a coach or phys-ed teacher requesting that students remove all jewelry and accessories before participating in any kind of sport. As a parent or coach, it's...Read more