10 Tips for reducing the risks of ski and snowboarding injuries

Winter is here and skis and snowboards are being polished up for weekends spent on the hill. Both skiing and snowboarding are excellent winter activities for adults and youth to enjoy as a recreational pastime or competitively. Propelling yourself down a mountain at high speeds does have its share of risks, so we're sharing some tips for keeping yourself and your family safe on the hill this...Read more

Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are a common injury in athletes and are most often associated with participation in sports involving running, jumping or repetitive stress. A stress fracture is a micro fracture of a bone that results when the rate of healing is unable to keep up with the rate of breakdown that is being caused by repetitive stress placed upon it. Stress fractures occur most frequently at the...Read more

Rotator Cuff Tears - Symptoms and Treatment

Injury to the shoulder is common in sport especially with athletes who depend on regular and heavy use of the shoulder joint, for example: baseball, tennis, badminton, weightlifting, football, golf and swimming. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that work together to stabilize the shoulder joint. It is a ball and socket type joint where the top part of the arm bone (humerus) forms a...Read more

Balance Training

Balance training is a form of training that develops agility, flexibility, power, reaction time, speed and endurance. It is often overlooked because the training results are not always readily apparent. Balance and coordination should be developed through a variety of methods - exercises on wobble boards , balance beams and stability balls are typically used for this type of training. Why is...Read more

Identification et prévention des blessures aux ischiojambiers

Aucun athlète n’est à l’abri d’une blessure aux ischiojambiers .* Le risque d’élongation des ischiojambiers est plus élevé si on pratique une activité comportant de la course, des sauts, des arrêts et des départs. Le sprint, les haies, le handball, le football, le baseball/softball, la course et le soccer sont de bons exemples. Les ischiojambiers comprennent trois muscles * : le semi-tendineux,...Read more

Hamstring Injuries - Identification and Prevention

Hamstring injuries can affect any athlete, at any time. You are more likely to get a hamstring strain if you perform sports that involve a lot of running and jumping or stopping and starting. Sprinting, hurdles, handball, football, baseball/softball, running and soccer are all good examples. The hamstring is formed from three muscles - the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the biceps femoris -...Read more

Treating Tendon Injuries

Tendon injuries are common in the sport community and can affect amateur and professional athletes alike. Tendon injuries are most often the result of gradual wear and tear to the tendon from overuse, incorrect movement or aging. As debilitating as they can be, the good news is that when treated properly , minor to moderate tendon injuries can heal on their own. While almost any tendon can...Read more

Core Training - Not just for your abs!

We've all heard fitness experts claim that core training is important for overall fitness and health. Health clubs offer core training exercise groups and physio therapists recommend it for those recovering from injury. Your core is the collection of muscles that stabilize the spine, this includes the hips, pelvis, abdominals, lower back, mid-back, and neck regions of the body . These muscles are...Read more

Walking on pins and needles?

Nerves that get stuck and irritated by swollen muscles or ligaments can be a torment to athletes. The ultimate goal for any athlete experiencing the pain of a pinched nerve is to alleviate any pain or discomfort you are feeling, all while working within your boundaries and keeping up a comfortable range of motion. As an athlete it's important to know what to look for so you'll have a better...Read more

Icing on the Ache!

Icing an injury is one of the oldest and best known injury treatment strategies, yet there is often confusion among athletes and coaches as to what injuries they should ice, how often and for how long. Based on current research there are no definite answers to these questions however here are some basic guidelines you can follow: 1. Always ice an acute injury involving muscle tears and joint...Read more