What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

Patellofemoral pain is a common complaint and is one of the most prevalent knee disorders. Essentially it means at athlete has pain around and under the patella, or knee cap. Almost anyone can get it, but it particularly affects runners, cyclists and hikers as well as office workers that end up sitting for long periods of time. Another name for this condition is movie-goers knee because of the...Read more

Getting the right fit for your bike

Whether you are an elite cyclist in the Tour de France or a recreational rider, you and your bike should fit well together. Ensuring your bike fits you properly will increase your performance, improve cycling economy and will minimize injury or discomfort. Getting your bike set up properly can be a challenging task, where the most important principle to remember is comfort. If you are not...Read more

Stretching it out

Many people make the assumption that stretching and warming up are pretty much the same thing, when in fact they are quite different. Warming up is the preparation of your body for the demands of the physical activity you have planned, whereas stretching is focused on specific areas that are tight and require loosening. While studies have shown mixed results on the effectiveness of stretching,...Read more

Core Training - Not just for your abs!

We've all heard fitness experts claim that core training is important for overall fitness and health. Health clubs offer core training exercise groups and physio therapists recommend it for those recovering from injury. Your core is the collection of muscles that stabilize the spine, this includes the hips, pelvis, abdominals, lower back, mid-back, and neck regions of the body . These muscles are...Read more

Cross Training for the Winter Season

Cross training , whether it's done as whole other sport or alternate activity can be a fantastic mental and physical break from your regular training. Splitting up your daily routine with weight-lifting, spinning or swimming for example, gives you a whole new set of skills to focus on and inserts you into a fresh atmosphere with a different group of people. A big benefit of cross training is that...Read more

Warm up to Train at Your Peak

Everyone is aware of the importance of warming up to improve performance and prevent injury . There is good reason for this practice, because scientists have shown that warm muscles are flexible, resistant to tearing and can produce force more quickly. One of the major problems facing today’s athletes is muscular injury, both recreational and professional. A well-formed warm up will prepare the...Read more

Dance for Fitness

The debate on the athleticism, physical requirements and benefits of dancing is finally being put to rest and the sport is gaining much deserved respect. Generally an aerobic exercise, regular sessions of dancing can bring well known health benefits , such as: weight control flexibility strength endurance reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease a sense of psychological well-being However,...Read more