Core Training - Not just for your abs!

We've all heard fitness experts claim that core training is important for overall fitness and health. Health clubs offer core training exercise groups and physio therapists recommend it for those recovering from injury. Your core is the collection of muscles that stabilize the spine, this includes the hips, pelvis, abdominals, lower back, mid-back, and neck regions of the body . These muscles are...Read more

Take a deep breath

Breathing is intuitive so most people probably feel it doesn't require special training to get it right. However, it's easy to form bad habits as a result of poor posture, movement patterns and even stress. For athletes, these bad habits can affect the nervous system, contribute to muscle fatigue, and decrease performance, so it's worth taking the time to learn some To learn optimal breathing...Read more

Avoiding painful side stitches

Side stitches or exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP) is not well studied, but it is thought to be caused by a lack of blood flow to the diaphragm which causes pain in the side or shoulder area. While side stitches occur more frequently in people who are out of shape, most of us have experienced pain in our sides at one point or another. One study found that although many people...Read more

I can't sleep...

Preparation for a competition often includes such things like packing your gear the night before, scheduling travel time and getting a good breakfast. Unfortunately, most people neglect an aspect of training and recovery that is one of the most important, getting a good night's sleep . Anxiety disrupts sleep - how many times have you lain awake at night worrying about the competition ahead? A...Read more