Role of a Sport Psychologist

Today’s athletes experience a variety of pressures and stress when it comes to sport performance. Many athletes, teams and coaches are taking advantage of sport psychology professionals to aid them in achieving their performance goals. As such sport psychologists are becoming more and more accepted as a regular part of the coaching and support staff for teams and individual athletes. It is...Read more

Sport and Mental Health

Athletes are often perceived by the public to be fitter, healthier and happier than others. In fact, athletes are not immune from mental health issues, and can struggle just like the rest of us. Along with the stigma attached to mental health, especially in the sporting world where mental toughness is as valued as physical toughness, it can be difficult for athletes to seek help. That's why SIRC...Read more

Conquer competition anxiety and harness it for success

Everyone of us has experienced anxiety at one point in our lives, sweaty palms, 'butterflies' in your stomach, your heart starts to pound and you think "I can't do this." Anxiety in athletes usually occurs during high stress moments, competitions, performance evaluations, and fears of re-injury. The good news is there are many ways in which an athlete can take these feelings and use them to their...Read more

I can't sleep...

Preparation for a competition often includes such things like packing your gear the night before, scheduling travel time and getting a good breakfast. Unfortunately, most people neglect an aspect of training and recovery that is one of the most important, getting a good night's sleep . Anxiety disrupts sleep - how many times have you lain awake at night worrying about the competition ahead? A...Read more

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 12:13

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Mental Training You’ve worked hard and your body is in peak condition, it’s important to ensure your mind is also ready for the competition ahead. Studies show that the highest achieving athletes are those who train not just physically, but mentally as well. Every athlete has suffered from nervousness or anxiety and without mental training these nerves will...Read more

Hit the Start Line Prepared!

You’ve been preparing for your big competition and it’s finally here. Managing stress when you are about to compete is always a challenge when you’ve put so much effort in the hopes of being successful. Pre-event planning is not something to be overlooked and can be essential to your achieving your goal. Knowing that everything is in order and accounted for can help to ease your mind and help you...Read more