Why Those Who Exercise Have a Good Head on Their Shoulders

Exercise doesn’t just improve physical health: it also benefits brain health through increased brain function and resistance to neurodegenerative diseases. One of the key players in this relationship is brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). What is Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)? Neuroplasticity involves modifying the functions of neurons and the different connections within the...Read more

Sport and Mental Health

Athletes are often perceived by the public to be fitter, healthier and happier than others. In fact, athletes are not immune from mental health issues, and can struggle just like the rest of us. Along with the stigma attached to mental health, especially in the sporting world where mental toughness is as valued as physical toughness, it can be difficult for athletes to seek help. That's why SIRC...Read more

College Athletes and Depression

There is a common perception that college athletes are tough and should be able to resolve problems that might lead to depression . In fact, just the opposite might be true. Having to handle what is essentially a full-time job and keep up with schoolwork might leave them feeling less well-adjusted than non-athletes. Along with the stigma attached to mental health issues, especially in the...Read more

Athlètes collégiens et dépression

Plusieurs pensent que les athlètes collégiens sont suffisamment solides pour venir à bout des problèmes même ceux pouvant mener à une dépression *. En fait, c’est l’inverse qui pourrait s’avérer juste. Ils ont à composer avec ce qui ressemble à un travail à temps plein en plus de se tenir à jour dans les travaux scolaires : cette situation peut les amener à se sentir moins bien adaptés que les...Read more

Get Moving! Get Smart!

It’s common knowledge that physical exercise is good for our general health, but did you know there's another advantage to proper exercise and nutrition? It’s good for your brain . Aerobic exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and studies on rats have shown that neurons (the brain's nerve cells responsible for communication) operate better when they get more oxygen. So, if you...Read more

Feel Great this Winter!

Check out the lastest SIRC Newsletter - Feel Great this Winter ! Now that the holiday season has come to a close we look ahead to the enjoyment of winter time activities over the next few months. We all know the physical benefits of exercise but did you know that exercise and physical activity have been proven to have a positive impact on mental and emotional health? Although any type of physical...Read more