Hungry to Compete

Coaches, trainers, anyone a part of an athlete’s support team, have a crucial role in not only preventing problematic eating, but also being the first responder in identifying the signs and symptoms. Recent studies show that athletes who have positive coach-athlete relations are less at risk of developing disordered eating habits. Coaches should work with their athletes to create a strong and...Read more

College Athletes and Depression

There is a common perception that college athletes are tough and should be able to resolve problems that might lead to depression . In fact, just the opposite might be true. Having to handle what is essentially a full-time job and keep up with schoolwork might leave them feeling less well-adjusted than non-athletes. Along with the stigma attached to mental health issues, especially in the...Read more

Do Quick-fix Diets Work?

It’s human nature to be on the lookout for the " magic diet/pill " that will give us that quick-fix when it comes to losing weight. This attitude has fueled the craze for new fad diets while encouraging the belief that if we eat specific “healthy” foods the weight will just come off. Can these diets give us what we are looking for? Well, the quick and easy answer is no. New research has found...Read more

Weight gain ... the healthy way!

Contrary to popular belief there is a time and a place for weight gain. Many athletes are required to gain weight to increase strength, increase their size or increase their musculature. In sports with weight categories, being a heavier weight may not always mean being "fatter" but having a fit heavier body mass. The focus of a recent article in the SIRC Collection addresses athletic weight gain...Read more

Healthy Holiday Eating

Tis the season of good cheer and holiday celebrations. Keeping your basic dietary and exercise lifestyle habits on track helps to combat that holiday weight gain. Research shows that one-off over-indulgences do not cause weight gain, rather the weight gain is induced by the gradual and sustained caloric increases or dietary habits that are developed as long term behaviours. So while it is fine to...Read more

Eating Well on a Budget?

Many of us have made resolutions to eat healthier in the New Year. But with rising costs and tighter finances is it possible to eat well on a budget? What are the ways that we can shave a few dollars off the weekly grocery bill? The following tips have been suggested as ways to help you eat better and help manage costs. Eat at home more often. Plan meals in advance to avoid last minute less...Read more

What to Keep in Mind When Eating …

Now that Halloween has passed, what do we do when tempted by those extra leftover candies? Do we indulge in a little “guilty” snacking? Do we bring them in to our workplace to share with our colleagues? A recent article coming in to the SIRC Collection examines research compiled on the topic of mindful eating . This growing trend begins with the concept of paying attention both to inner cues (...Read more