Why Should You Make Your Fruit and Vegetable Selection Colourful?

Many people often say that you eat first with your eyes. Selecting a menu full of colour not only makes your meal more appealing to the visual senses, it will benefit your health too. Different colours of foods generally mean that it contains different vitamins and minerals. When you think about it, no one single food can contain all the nutrients that an individual needs, so eating different...Read more

Do you really need to take a multivitamin?

Vitamins and supplements are big business, with billions of dollars spent each year. North Americans are firm in the belief that they need to boost their intake of multivitamins for better health – but do they really work? Researchers generally believe that, with a few exceptions, most people that adhere to a healthy diet don’t need them. Who should take multivitamins? Women who are pregnant or...Read more

Vitamin B12: The Basics

An important key to maintaining a healthy mind and body is ensuring we’re fulfilling our daily nutritional needs. This means getting the appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals from our food and understanding what role they play in our health. Getting to know a little more about vitamin B12, particularly for athletes, and how it aids in cell production and repair is a little thing that can...Read more

Keep your Heart Healthy - SIRC Newsletter

Your heart is important. Yet, many people don’t pay enough attention to their heart health. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 3 billion times -- pumping an amount of blood that equals about 1 million barrels. Even when a person is at rest, the heart is continuously hard at work. So if we know that our hearts are important we should begin taking strides to take care...Read more

Nutrition on the Road

Enjoy the local cuisine (after you compete) - Some people have no problem trying new food, in fact they love it. However, when an athlete is travelling to compete, it may be better to save those interesting local dishes for after the competition. When it comes to performance, it is better to be safe than sorry. Travelling is one of the major benefits of elite competition but athletes need to be...Read more

Reducing inflammation

Inflammation is not all bad - in fact it's the body's way of naturally protecting itself and enabling the healing process to begin. It's when inflammation persists and becomes chronic that it can cause issues. Inflammation can be managed quite easily by following simple dietary requirements and lifestyle changes such as sleeping patterns. A common practice for reducing or treating inflammation is...Read more

Surviving the Summer Scorcher

With this summer giving us all scorching weather it may be tempting to many of us to limit our outdoor workouts to 5 am and avoid competing until September. Here's some tips for beating the heat as the temperature and humidity soars. Nutrition - Daily diet can be easily overlooked when dealing with the heat, but increasing water-based foods such as fresh fruit instead of dried such as granola or...Read more

Does protein aid recovery?

In recent years, Athletes should be able to get the required amount of protein for their needs by talking to a registered dietitian and altering their diets to match their training. Some good examples of protein to add to your diet are: milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, assorted beans, peas lentils and grains. Achieving a balance between training, competition stresses and recovery is very important...Read more

Fuel your body for winter

This time of year life gets tends to get a little busier and with all the events during the holiday season it's easy to let Omega 3's - For those Canadians that suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD), nutrition experts recommend introducing Omega-3 fats in your diet since these have been shown to relieve symptoms of mild depression. Salmon, walnuts and flax seeds are all good sources of...Read more

Should we be eating like cavemen?

Diet trends pop up everyday that make crazy claims for your health, weight and even longevity. Paleolithic diet is referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet or hunter–gatherer diet. This diet consists of foods that are assumed to be available to humans prior to modern agriculture. Most of us know to ignore the latest fad, but there is one diet that seems to be gaining some ground. The What...Read more