You Are What You Eat- The Importance of Post-Training Nutrition

Many athletes focus on the technical and conditioning aspects of their sporting experience, yet nutrition is an equally important part of athletic success. Post-training nutrition is especially critical, as it helps the body recover and recharge. Timing is also important; studies show that food consumed within 30 minutes of exercising will have a significant effect on glycogen stores and muscle...Read more

Nutrition on the Road

Enjoy the local cuisine (after you compete) - Some people have no problem trying new food, in fact they love it. However, when an athlete is travelling to compete, it may be better to save those interesting local dishes for after the competition. When it comes to performance, it is better to be safe than sorry. Travelling is one of the major benefits of elite competition but athletes need to be...Read more

Nutrition Strategies for Young Athletes

Young athletes need plenty of energy . They need it to grow, to play and to compete. When it comes to active children or teenagers, it can be easy to skimp on nutrition - we all lead busy lives and snacks, high sugar drinks and fast food are usually quick grab-and-go items. Whole grains, dairy, lean meats and fresh fruits are what the body needs to be at its best. Carbohydrates - Good quality...Read more

Snack Time … Fueling the Young Athlete!

It's that time of the year when most kids are getting into the swing of their summer sport activities. For those with younger kids, introducing them to the joys of new sports is a rewarding experience. As parents, we see them run, jump and have a great time. At the end of the game there are smiles and excited chatter and the age old question: What's for snack?! So how do we satisfy their hunger...Read more