Problem-solving Past a Tough Run

Spring has finally arrived and avid runners are signing up for races, lacing up their shoes, hitting the great outdoors and setting their goals. With the eagerness that comes with sunshine and warmer temperatures, having a workout where nothing seems to go right can sometimes take a bite out of your confidence. There are many reasons why someone in the middle of training for their next big race...Read more

Feeling the heat? Stay safe this summer with these cool tips!

The hot summer weather is finally settling in and people are heading outdoors for their workouts and enjoying recreational activities with their families. Everyone loves this time of year; there are so many opportunities for physical activity whether it's a relaxing nature walk or an intense game of soccer. When extreme heat hits though, it's a good idea to know the right steps to take in order...Read more

Exercise Associated Muscle Cramping

Muscle cramps are a common occurrence in sports and numerous other physical activities, where even highly fit athletes can experience slight to very painful muscle spasms. Any muscle can be affected but it commonly occurs to the legs, for athletes this can be debilitating and require some time off from training and competition. Theories are mixed in the scientific community as to why muscle...Read more

I’ve signed up for an obstacle race – now what?

Many people have the impression that obstacle races are for elite athletes, when in fact many races accommodate all fitness levels. These types of races are great if you want to give yourself an extra challenge but have a little bit of fun and fitness mixed in as well. Obviously obstacle races are meant to test you mentally and physically so it’s good to have a decent baseline of fitness before...Read more

These Paws Were Made for Walking

Owning a pet can offer you more than just adorable pictures to post to your Facebook or Instagram accounts. The benefits of having a four-legged companion range from being less stressed, to increased physical activity , and even a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease . Companion animals have been used in various therapies for years to help raise spirits and be a calming presence. Now post-...Read more

Surviving the Summer Scorcher

With this summer giving us all scorching weather it may be tempting to many of us to limit our outdoor workouts to 5 am and avoid competing until September. Here's some tips for beating the heat as the temperature and humidity soars. Nutrition - Daily diet can be easily overlooked when dealing with the heat, but increasing water-based foods such as fresh fruit instead of dried such as granola or...Read more

Thirst for success

There is little doubt that proper hydration has many benefits for physiological function, performance and health. Good hydration practices follow the general premise that an individual will attempt to match fluid intake with fluid losses. We know that when sweat loss exceeds fluid intake we become dehydrated, although it's a common practice to drink fluids despite a lack of thirst. When athletes...Read more

Catch me if you can!

Many adults seem to have some memories of gym class angst from running laps being meted out as a punishment, so it's safe to assume that running isn't fun right? If you watch children racing around a playground you might think twice. Children love to run - chasing, racing and playing tag have always been an integral part of childhood. Add in the fun! - children love games , prizes and friendly...Read more

What exactly are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are electrically charged particles that help the body function normally. The importance of electrolytes in the human body is so great that we quickly react to an electrolyte deficiency. Athletes in particular are susceptible because electrolytes are depleted during perspiration . Some of the more familiar electrolytes include potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. These minerals...Read more

Never underestimate the power of a good walk

Walking is one of the least expensive and most accessible forms of physical exercise. It can be adopted by people of all ages and abilities, requires no training and is a great benefit to your health. Walking isn't an exercise that leads to many injuries, although it's still a good idea to equip yourself with proper fitting shoes and loose comfortable clothes . Whatever the weather conditions be...Read more