Thirst for success

There is little doubt that proper hydration has many benefits for physiological function, performance and health. Good hydration practices follow the general premise that an individual will attempt to match fluid intake with fluid losses. We know that when sweat loss exceeds fluid intake we become dehydrated, although it's a common practice to drink fluids despite a lack of thirst. When athletes...Read more

Running a Marathon? Keep Yourself Hydrated

It’s race weekend in Ottawa! Which means people of all ages and fitness levels will be hitting the road running and walking. With the weekend looking like it's going to be a warm one, we all have to remember to take good care of our bodies, most importantly staying hydrated. First of all, sweat contains electrolytes and the main electrolyte lost in sweat is sodium, although how much each...Read more

“Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.”

There is no doubt that water is essential for life considering that 60-70% of our bodies is made up of water. Consuming just the right amount of water is paramount in not only regulating body temperature, but building new cells, eliminating waste and playing its’ part in producing energy. But can you ever have too much of it? The simple answer is yes, especially if you are working out or...Read more