High Intensity Interval Training

Many Canadians cite a " lack of time " when asked about barriers to adding physical activity into their lives. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is used by many athletes and fitness enthusiasts to reach their performance goals and enhance their fitness levels. HIIT is a type of cardio training that involves alternating bouts of light-to-moderate intensity with bouts of high intensity. HIIT...Read more

Does exercise help osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis or "common arthritis" is the gradual wearing down of the joint's hyaline cartilage. Our joint's have a shiny, smooth surface at the end of each bone which allows friction and free motion. When this area becomes damaged, thinned or worn away it is known as osteoarthritis. The rubbing of the damaged area is painful and the repetition leads to inflammation, swelling and more pain...Read more

Draft: The Master of the Masters

From the day we are born, we are getting older. Fom the beginning of our time on this planet, we first get stronger and develop energy systems for the body to function at its most efficient, and then at some point, without a fight, it starts to reverse itself. Aging in humans is a process characterized by a whole host of changes in all bodily systems that ultimately result in a decreased capacity...Read more

Rest for Optimum Performance. Really?

Toughness, discipline and dedication - all things to be admired in any facet of life. In an exercise or workout regime, whether it be for a recreational or elite athlete, the element of “rest” is just as important as the quality, type and duration of the workouts. Not getting enough or the right type of rest can result in hitting a plateau, mental and physical burnout, chronic fatigue or injury...Read more

Calories Galore!

Nowhere is the necessity of an efficient fuel energy system in an endurance sport more evident than with the cyclists in the Tour de France who ride up to 180km per stage for 21 stages (with only one day of rest) often through some of the most challenging terrains in the world. The Pyrenees, the Alps – mountain roads just don’t get any tougher or higher. At rest, the caloric energy required for a...Read more

“Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.”

There is no doubt that water is essential for life considering that 60-70% of our bodies is made up of water. Consuming just the right amount of water is paramount in not only regulating body temperature, but building new cells, eliminating waste and playing its’ part in producing energy. But can you ever have too much of it? The simple answer is yes, especially if you are working out or...Read more

Swing into Spring!

Last week’s blog discussed overtraining in spring, but how about those people that don’t train at all and just go out there and start swinging a golf club at the first sign of spring. This is when injury can occur. Although sports like golf are considered low impact, golf injuries are increasing at an alarming rate. A golfers shoulder, forearm and back are the most common injury areas. So what...Read more