What is better, morning or evening exercise?

For most people daily exercise is dictated by when they can fit it in during their busy schedules. We all know that physical activity has many health benefits and doing the recommended minimum has a better outcome than being inactive. Some people are adamant that morning sweat is the best way to start their days while other cannot imagine breaking a sweat before noon. So what is the optimal time...Read more

Response and adaptation to training and exercise

When getting back to the grind after a good break from a long season, or when at the beginning of a new training or exercise routine, the body usually feels sore. For seasoned veterans, early season training feels very challenging; lets face it, getting back into shape can feel like a daunting task. For those trying a new training regime or a new sport, the new movements will leave you a little...Read more

The view is better at the top of the hill

Walter Payton , nicknamed Sweetness, was one of the greatest running backs to ever play the game of football. During his off-season conditioning he used to run up a hill simply dubbed “The Hill.” The Hill was about 50 to 60 yards with a very steep incline described by Walter as “a goal setter or a will maker”. During his 13-year National Football League (NFL) career, he was a two time MVP and a...Read more

Rest for Optimum Performance. Really?

Toughness, discipline and dedication - all things to be admired in any facet of life. In an exercise or workout regime, whether it be for a recreational or elite athlete, the element of “rest” is just as important as the quality, type and duration of the workouts. Not getting enough or the right type of rest can result in hitting a plateau, mental and physical burnout, chronic fatigue or injury...Read more